Quickview Dashboard Panel
Know how each of your campaigns are performing from a single dashboard. An informative graph showcases the last 24 hours of Accepted, Rejected and Delivered leads. Easily compare lead volume from today, yesterday, 7 days and the last 30 days. Finally, analyze the performance of each Partner over the most recent 24 hours.
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Campaigns control how your lead data is received by Lead Wrench. Easily match your form fields with our internal system fields, set campaign specific delivery settings and you are ready to configure your Partners.
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Simply control how your lead data is sent out of Lead Wrench. Whether you are selling leads directly or using other forms of monetization, Lead Wrench allows you to deliver each lead exactly as required by that Partner via POST, GET, XML or JSON.
Get started now! Schedule a Lead Wrench demo.

Know everything about your leads and how they have been processed to date. Drill down to the action level details and retrace the entire lifecycle of your leads. Additionally, you can export any report to CSV for further analysis.
Get started now! Schedule a Lead Wrench demo.